Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bob Piper's Corner - November 16, 1986

November 16, 1986
More about the old bakery –

Several days ago I saw a man who used to deliver for us years ago. Seeing him brought to my mind a very interesting and entertaining event that took place at the same time every year. It was just a plain good-natured egg fight between those at the bakery and the delivery men. No one ever knew just when it would happen or what would start it. They would generally speaking throw about sixty-dozen eggs at one another. It was all outside the building. Father didn’t care as eggs were cheap and they got the urge to battle out of their systems. It all had to be cleaned up, the trucks washed, the front of the bakery washed, and the yard washed with a hose. Clothes had to be changed as well. Quite a few people heard the noise and were spectators. Sometimes they not only gave one another an egg shampoo, they gave some to the spectators. Remember, it was all in fun.

I remember one year the delivery men came back to the store telling the workers there all about the egg fight. All of a sudden another good-natured fight broke out between the inside workers at the store and the outside workers, who had just come from the egg fight. This time they both used peanut butter. We handled this in a sixty-gallon drum and sold it in the bulk. The men got into this drum and rubbed peanut butter in each other’s ears, in their hair and down their necks. This lasted about fifteen minutes much to the spectators’ delight. Father was at the barber shop and someone told him. He came at once and put a stop to the whole thing. Eight men were involved. Remember it was all in fun and seemed to take the vinegar out of their systems. Father didn’t fire anyone, but did put a quick stop it.

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