Thursday, June 2, 2016

Bob Piper's Corner - May 17, 1987

May 17, 1987
Our ride -

Charles Prior went to a movie in Des Moines, so George and myself went out to Stephens Forest northeast, and to the Thousand Acre Area which is in Monroe County. Didn’t stay long as it started to rain. We got to the rock road OK, and then it rained cats and dogs. It was a beautiful day for riding and we saw flowers in numbers: penstemon, larkspur, yarrow, cinquefoil, Solomon’s seal, rocket and sweet William. Got back at 6:15 p.m.

Random memories -

It was not too many years ago that President Truman came through Chariton by train from Des Moines to Kansas City. Chariton was a whistle stop. A bandstand was erected at the north end of the Rock Island Station and the American Legion Junior Band was ready to play. The long train rolled in and went too far before stopping. The engineer was not used to such a long train. The crowd rushed in behind and they could not back up. The band was left out altogether as it was out of sight. The President appeared on the platform and was introduced by Joe Kridelbaugh, Jr., holding his oldest son in his arms. Pictures were taken by the dozens. As usual, the President spent most of his talk scolding Congress.

I remember in school in the eighth grade we studied about Arlington Cemetery. It is located in Arlington, Virginia. It surrounds the Custis Lee Mansion, which was the home of General Robert E. Lee of the Confederate Army. The Lee estate was called Arlington. When we studied this in school, we could also discuss it with Mr. Morgan, who was well versed in history. At this time only one president had been buried there, William H. Taft. Kennedy has been buried there since, and these are the only two, to date. Federal law states who may be buried in Arlington.

Now for some memories of a lighter nature. Father Piper was on the city council in the twenties. It was necessary to do a lot of paving and sewer work, which fell under his supervision. It was unpopular and he was blamed. Shortly after this he ran for the office of mayor and got only ten votes. We children were all embarrassed, but Father saw the humor of the whole thing.

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