May 10, 1987
Since John Baldridge has put several articles that I have written for the church newsletter in the local paper, I certainly have received a lot of telephone calls, letters, and visits from people. Some people have things to add that I didn’t know about. A few disagree over a point and it is all well taken. It’s fun for both sides.
Fred Risser, former president of the First State Savings Bank in Chariton, had two sons, John and Robert. Robert was a submarine commander in World War II and John was an officer in the Corps. John stopped in the other day to renew old friendships and to tell me Robert had written a book of his life in the service, and John wants to give it to the historical society. I am sure it will be welcome. Robert was here one time to speak at the Chamber of Commerce. His talk was short, because he wanted to answer questions. Many were asked. The one I remember was, “Did you ever lose a man because he didn’t get inside the sub before it went down?” The answer was, “Yes, I did. Several were lost because they didn’t get inside before the conning tower door was closed.” This was the law of the submarine. They went down regardless of who was still outside when the horn had sounded.
Speaking of theaters again, it seems I was wrong calling the theater where Lloyd Moore was, the Strand instead of the State Theater.
Noel McKinley showed me a ruler put out by the Temple Theater. This was where Gambles Store was on the south side, but before my time.
I have been asked about the lot where the Yocom Hospital was built. An old house was there where Dr. John Stanton had his office. His home was where Mosher’s Funeral Home is now. The same person wanted to know who lived just north of the library years ago before the present house was built. The John Haspelhorns lived there years ago. They were living there when the present library was built.
A lady told me she remembered a row of houses west of the United Brethren Church, facing north and running up to Grand Street. This is true. These houses were moved in from the area when the Rock Island went through town. The one on the corner was not one of these, but built there. John Blackstock, a leader in the regional Latter Day Saints Church, was raised there.
Years ago Joseph Brothers had a variety store where the gas office was on the east side of the square. They put in wonderful window displays. One Easter morning as people were walking to church, the blind was raised, revealing a beautiful display of their wares. In the background was a large sign that said “Christ Has Risen, But Our Prices Haven’t.” Being Jewish, they missed the whole point of Easter and had a lot of explaining to do. Father could see some humor in the whole thing, but Mother couldn’t. Reverend Story of the old United Presbyterian Church, Reverend Curtis of the United Brethren Church and Reverend Englefritz of the Methodist called upon the Joseph Brothers. In a short time they closed and many thought this episode might have been the cause.
Mrs. Strohman remembered an old-time delight. On cold mornings the cold would freeze the milk in the bottle, pushing up the cap about an inch. This was taken off, mixed with a little vanilla and sugar, making a sort of ice cream. Lots of people put the milk in tin cups and let it freeze on purpose.
When ice was hard to come by and we had a hailstorm, people rushed out to gather the hail so ice cream could be made. I remember doing this several times. We had a double cranked two-gallon freezer which took a lot of hail.
Mrs. Strohman also reminded me of tansy tea. This was made from a roadside flowering plant being swished around in a tub of cold spring water. There were not the soft drink of today and according to her, it was quite good. I reminded her that lots of people entertained themselves while milking cows by squirting milk in the cats’ mouths from several feet away. We agreed this was done mostly by young people. Her children did, and I know my brother Howard did.
Our ride -
George Dunshee, Charles Prior and myself left Chariton at 2 p.m. in George’s car. We drove eighty-five miles. Went west on Highway 34 to dead man’s curve and then straight on west. Went through the Stephens, Lucas and White Breast areas, then west and south of Woodburn to Smyrna, LeRoy, Weldon, Humeston and Cambria. Lots of people in the parks with their horses. Lots of flowers are out now. We found buttercups, violets, wild larkspur, spring anemone, spring beauty, pussy toes, bluebells, Dutchman’s breeches, sweet William and adder’s tongue. Later, on a trip to the Colyn and Brown’s Slough areas, we saw water fowl, but few flowers. We saw a pair of common egrets. The best view I have ever had. A large bird with white plumage, long neck and yellow bill. Saw lots of Canada geese, coots, mallards and blue herons. A female mallard stayed right in front of the car while we watched to our hearts’ content. People should go to the Colyn area and see how plentiful and tame the Canada geese are. High-water time is a good time to go. Arrived back at 5:45 p.m.
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